Pre-Booked Journeys
What are pre-booked journeys?
Pre-booked journeys allow passengers to book a Wheely journey in advance. These often tend to be longer than on-demand journeys.
How far in advance will I be able to see a passengers pre-booked journey?
For First and Business classes, pre-bookings become available to reserve 24 hours before the scheduled time. For XL, reservations are available immediately upon the passenger’s request.
How do I reserve a pre-booked journey?
Before reserving a pre-booking, please ensure that you have carefully read any comments made by the passenger. Next, please confirm that you have enough diamonds to reserve this booking. Once you are ready to reserve, press on the reserve this booking button.
You will be asked to confirm your reservation and will be shown the cost of the journey. Please ensure that you complete the journey in the vehicle that was on your profile at the time it was assigned to you. If you have changed your vehicle since reserving the pre-booked journey, please contact Customer Services immediately.
If you are a fleet partner you may substitute for another chauffeur registered with that fleet to complete any reserved pre-booked journeys that you have.
When should I be online to accept the pre-booked journey?
Once you have reserved a pre-booking, you will see the distribution time for the journey. The time that you see on this pre-booking page will be the time from which you can “self-assign” to the journey. From this time (when you are online), you will be able to press “Start Now” and the system will acknowledge you are available to perform the journey and start navigating you to the pick-up location.

The final time as found under the “i” tab will be the last opportunity (“Automatic Dispatch”) that you have to start the journey as a final notification will be sent to you.

You must be online at the automatic dispatch time — failure to do so will incur a diamond penalty. You must also be online to use the “Start Now” button, which will become available at the time stated. You can either start the journey through the booking page or on the map screen at the available time. Above the “Start Now” button you are provided live ETA updates, which will assist you in arriving at the destination on time.

Please note, the distribution time is not automatic. You must still manually “Start Journey” from the pre-booking page when the button is available. In order to evade any possible issues, it is heavily encouraged that you start the journey prior to the “Automatic Dispatch” time.
What happens if I receive an ASAP journey before the pre-booking?
If you are on an ASAP journey before your pre-booking that overlaps into the distribution or the journey time, the pre-booked journey will be assigned to another Chauffeur and you will receive a refund of the amount of diamonds that were used to reserve it.
What happens if I am on an active journey during my pre-booking distribution?
If you are on an active journey, it will not be distributed to you and it will be assigned to another chauffeur. Please avoid booking pre-booked journeys close together, as passengers can opt to adjust the time and this can cause you to miss out on journeys. If you are already on an active journey, the pre-booking will not be returned to you.
Why are some journeys worth more diamonds than others?
The diamond cost of a pre-booking directly reflects its potential value. As the journey time approaches, the diamond cost of the journey will gradually reduce to ensure it is completed on time.
What happens if I cancel my reservation of the pre-booking?
If you release a pre-booking after you have reserved it, your diamonds will not be returned. If you release a pre-booking within 12 hours of the distribution time, you will receive a penalty of -20 diamonds for releasing too late.
Additionally, your access to reserve pre-book journeys might be limited for 24 hours if you release a pre-booked journey in less than 3 hours before scheduled time
What happens if I am not online to accept the journey?
If you are not online to accept the pre-booked journey, then the journey will be allocated to another chauffeur. However, by reserving a pre-booked journey, you are committing to be there on time. If you are a no-show, then your ability to book pre-booked journeys will be restricted for a set period of time, determined by our Quality Team.